• Own (autologous) bone marrow stem cells transplantation here
  • Cord blood stem cells transplantation here
  • Brother or sister Cord blood stem cells transplantation here
  • http://newmed.co.il/
  • трансплантация собственных стволовых клеток костного мозга здесь
  • трансплантация стволовых клеток собственной пуповинной крови здесь
  • трансплантация стволовых клеток пуповинной крови родственника здесь
  • ............................................

    Szegő György DLA építész, látványtervező

    Az életrajz menüpont Szegő György: Álomtervező Tesz-Vesz albumának (Ráday könyvesház, 2008) tömörített illetve frissített változata
    Fotók: Ilovszky Béla (theater.hu) és Szegő György


    Public Spaces of Modern Architecture in Budapest
    Editor: Dr. Katalin Keserű, Zsófia Németh
    Publisher: Ernst Múzeum Budapest, 2003
    271 page
    ISBN: 963 86419 32

    György Szegő: Millenial City Centre, Quarter of Culture, 2004 (p.181)

    Over the past decade, the value of the southern part of the Pest bank of the Danube dramatically increased in real estate terms. This is due in part to preliminary works carried out for a World Expo that was ultimately cancelled, in the course of wich the mills, railway tracks and low-value buildings originally occupying the territory were demolished. A new Bridge - the Lágymányosi - was built at the south end of the area, wich completed the outer ring of boulevards, whose commercial value thus skyrocketed. Boráros Square in the north of the area "came" closer to the centre of the city when the lower part of Váci Street was turned into a pedestrian precinct and traffic in Ráday Street was restricted - steps to rehabilitate commerce and culture in this part of the city. On the western bank of the Danube, massive developments - a university and a high tech industry part - are one step ahead, but running in paralell. To the east, another model value development project is well underway: the city and private investors have joined forces to reclaim Ferencváros (9th District). The Millennial City Centre itself is a new type of investment by the state - to wich we will return later.(...)